
Legal Information

Contact details

340/4 Avenue de la Marne
Espace Europe – Building C
59700 marcq en baroeul

Site operator

The www.getmeelo.com site is operated by MEELO, a simplified joint-stock company with capital of 89,046 Euros, registered under number 829051317 in the Trade and Companies Register of Lille Métropole. Its head office is located at 340/4 Avenue de la Marne, Espace Europe – Building C, 59700 marcq en baroeul.

Director of publication: Laurent Kocinski


Editing the site

Shake Your Business – SYB Agency

hosting provider

The hosting of the www.getmeelo.com site is provided by Linadsys, whose registered office is at 32, place de la gare, 59 000 Lille – France, registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Lille Métropole under number 82140278100024 .