A customer journey perfect and risk-free

Our anti-fraud and risk solution is the most comprehensive and successful on the market. 

By using Open Data, Artificial Intelligence and Open Banking in particular, we contribute to blocking fraudsters and non-payments while optimizing the experience of your users. 

Meelo Anti-Fraud
years of combined business expertise
% of fraud avoided
seconds to detect risk profiles

Your need

Less risk
for more opportunity.

No less than 70% of French companies declare having suffered at least one fraud attempt in 2022. We support you precisely in dealing with these constantly increasing hazards.

Easy payment, renting, credit… consumption habits that have their share of unknowns.

Insurance companies, retailers, credit institutions, car and construction rental companies, you are all concerned. Meelo accompanies you on a daily basis to reduce the risks.  


Ensure that the customer who contacts you is who they say they are.

Verify the authenticity of documents and information in real time.


Analyse and score the creditworthiness of an individual or a company in less than 5 seconds, to make it easier for you to make a decision.

They trust us for our expertise

Our solutions

Transform risk
into business and social opportunities

Our job is to weed out the financial risk profiles and make financing available to people whose actual behaviour is beyond reproach.

The result? You accelerate your transformation rates and make your teams' daily work easier.

More than a financial solution, our approach is resolutely oriented towards fairer and more equitable financing.